A Vanilla-like Experience
We are Melio, a whitelisted survival server on Minecraft Java Edition with no land-claiming or chest locks. We've been building this community for folks who joined in search of a mature, drama-free, and inclusive server.
✅ Diamond-based economy and market
✅ Custom world generation
✅ A community of welcoming people!
🚫 No Land Claims
🚫 No Factions, McMMO, SlimeFun, etc.
🚫 No /tp, /spawn, /home, & /warp

1 :: Woodoo_Kitty, LoserLays, and _awsom_ hang out in Ashenridge.

2 :: "A Catch at Stellar Bay" by wyxzel

3 :: The server prepares to fight against the Ender Dragon (April 7, 2024).

4 :: A player kills another in a PvP tournament (📸: Lord_Oxymoron)

5 :: Nature.

6 :: A court in session...

7 :: Chaos erupts once the PvP tournament wraps up in the Coliseum.
To protect the community, we have an application system before you can join. Once you are accepted, you can start playing immediately!
Every month or two we have events hosted by the community for fun! These have ranged from treasure hunts, to PvP duels, and build contests.
Trust-based System
We've built this server around people we can trust, so we expect everyone to play in good faith and not destroy the communal trust.
Official Handbook
To help you familiarize yourself with the server, we've made a “handbook“ website! Click here to open.
Laid-back Community
For us, community is the biggest aspect of playing Minecraft on multiplayer. This is especially important for a server running on a trust system!
Our server has been fairly easygoing and drama-free, because we're all grownups here to have a good time together, and playing in good faith.
Something for Everyone*
There's something for everyone! Whether you are a builder, a technical player, an explorer, or a mix of every Minecraft playstyle in existence, you will be very much welcomed here.
* Exceptions to “everyone“ include bad apples, thieves, griefers, and cheaters.